Written with StackEdit.
Hello World
However you came to stumble upon this blog, welcome! This blog isn’t designed to have an audience, but you’re welcome to join me for the ride.
The purpose of this blog is to organize my thoughts, figure out my focus as a professional, growing web developer, and then do something about it.
The first of these is to pick up Markdown syntax, since that’s what GitHub uses for its README files. StackEdit is a Markdown editor that saves files in the local browser cache but also allows me to publish to Blogger.
Perhaps the best way to jump into this is to parse out what I’ve been reading lately…
What’s On My Bookshelf
- Learning Python. A library book, ‘til 1/14. (66%)
- Node.js In Action, borrowed from a colleague (20%)
- 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know (finished)
- Getting Started with NoSQL (70%)
- PHP Web Services (finished)
- Programming Python, 4th Edition (not started)
- The Art of Agile Development (finished)
The First Topic: Why Python?
While I do identify as a web developer, I see Python as an good object-oriented, yet general, programming language. It’s platform-neutral, portable, and widely supported. Sublime Text 2’s extensions are written in Python. Formatting and writing code is a breeze, and from what I’ve gathered through Learning Python, the language’s rules and syntax are simple and make sense.
Though Python is likely behind PHP (my currently-native language), Java and .NET in terms of use on the web, it still seems like a good “glue” language to pick up, especially when it comes to learning the basics of picking up design patterns.
If time allows, it might be worth perusing the Django web framework to see what sort of web philosophy is behind that framework.
A Note About Frequency
I’m a dad to a 19-month old. So I don’t plan on posting daily, or even every other day. Frankly, once a week would be nice, if only to get my priorities straight.
Welcome aboard!
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