The next quarter will be focused on a couple of critical issues, professionally:
JavaScript is widely used in our environments, and the last couple of sprints I've spent with a homegrown Node/Express app that is essentially a pretty front-end to a MySQL server. The past couple days have involved ensuring the server doesn't crack under scale (9 million rows means: make sure your indexes are set up correctly, and you're using them!) as well as a large amount of futility setting up unit testing for code.
One of the issues is that sinon is an excellent stub/mock/spy library, but doesn't seem to have a way to mock the more complex parts of libraries. This is a simplified version of the problem:
pool.getConnection(function(err, connection) {
connection.query('SELECT * from foo', function(err, rows) {
// Do stuff here
As it turns out, it's remarkably difficult to mock connection. The object is hidden within a library, making it (apparently) impossible to stub out.
Still, JavaScript has shown enough utility that I'm going to be taking a deep dive into it, hopefully with an in-depth tour of what's coming up. With a focus on Polymer.
Seven Languages in Seven Weeks
In addition we have a book club at work. This time I've decided to participate in it, because the material is pretty compelling.
So it should be an exciting three months!